Monday, September 26, 2011

Better late than never?

I guess it's about time I get started blogging.  Not just for Rhetoric, but for myself.  I used to maintain a livejournal many many years ago and it was the best thing next to sliced bread.  However, that soon simmered and sputtered it's way down the trash-filled lines of the interwebs. 
Blogging has a special place in my heart.  I like reading some blogs and I like maintaining one--somewhat.  I think what has always put me off from blogging is the fact that for some reason I feel like I have to be making a point.  What ever happened to blogging my day's activities down?  Reflecting on what happened during my day? Writing them down so I'll never forget.  I stopped keeping a handwritten journal the summer after high school ended.  My livejournal died two semesters after that.  What went wrong?  Where did that need for blogging go? 
I feel, like email and AIM, that my need for blogging just found another outlet.  For instance, twitter and Facebook  Status updates were the next best thing to blogging!  I could quickly update what I was doing maybe even throw in a little caveat of silly "wisdom" while I was at it.  Same goes for twitter--microblogging I hear it being called.  I must agree.  Being confined to 140 characters is tough for someone as verbose as me. 
The biggest question I have for myself now is if I'll ever be able to get back to that root of blogging/journaling that I so strongly had in high school.  Or if that is completely dead.  No. Not dead--crawling, moaning like a zombie 140 characters at a time.

1 comment:

  1. Giggle...I laughed at the zombie comment. You saw me do this. :)
